Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Outfit of the Day: A Little Wild

Do you like my outfit posts? I love looking at other people's outfits and styles and I thought other people might feel the same! I would love any tips, thoughts about my outfits, or suggestions to try. Also, please make sure to check out the link party at the bottom of this post!
This is what I wore on Sunday, the 24th to Church (and all day) :

Okay, here are the details...

V neck top: Giant Tiger

Tank top: Giant Tiger

 It's under the v neck. This top really doesn't need it, but my other v neck has a very low "v" and I need a tank under it, so I wasn't sure if it was needed under this one. 

Jeans: Old Navy

Scarf: Crocheted by me! :)

Socks: My S.O.S. ones. (see tutorial HERE)

Shoes: Payless 

Get the title of this outfit now? I got these on a gift card from my Aunt! Thanks so much, Aunt S. , I L.O.V.E. them! 


And now for the fun, my "What Have You Been Wearing?" link party! Open until November 1, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. EST. I'm trying this one with picture thumbnails this time! And yes, my outfit is the first link. Just to get everyone started! 

The rules:

-The post must be from your blog

-No online stores

-Please, no spam

-Link up to the direct post NOT to just your blog or the part of your blog where the outfit posts are found (your most current one is fine)

-Make the title: Your Name @ Title of Your Blog

-If it's not working for you, e-mail me and I'll put in your link
What Have You Been Wearing?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Have Your Chance at Some Pretty Cool Stuff...

This is not a giveaway on my blog! I always see giveaways on blogs and I'm like, "That's so pretty! I wish I could enter!". Why don't I enter? I never think to enter. I ask my Dad what he thought about me entering some blog giveaways for things I really liked (not every giveaway I could find) and he said, "Why not!". So, I entered 2 giveaways I liked.
The first is from Simply Handmade by Paige. The giveaway is: "Vintage AdaElle Earring Giveaway from The Pretty Poppy". The Pretty Poppy is offering a pair (your choice) of Vintage AdaElle Earrings from their shop! (ends Oct. 25, 2010)

(both images from The Pretty Poppy)

Pretty, pretty.

The second one I wanted to enter is from Sealed with a Kiss. The giveaway is for your chance to win 1 of 2 headbands! These headbands are so cool, they are made of candy wrappers (and a few other things) and are super cute! The headbands are by Presents from Alex. (ends Oct. 27, 2010)

(image from Presents from Alex)

Adorable, no?


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Terrific Thrifty Thursday #28

It's the 28th Terrific Thrifty Thursday! Thursday is when I feature 2 or more projects from you crafty people's blogs! Here I go for the 28th time!

First up is from Welcome to the gOOd life (guest posting on Sew Dang Cute) I had found this blog a few days before and was super impressed by her sewing skills! Today I want to show you this J. Crew sweater knock-off she did over at Sew Dang Cute.


Sarah from Welcome to the gOOd life's version:


Second is from Free Pretty Things for You! DIY lace tape. Wow. There are so many uses for this! (go see pictures)

Do you have an idea for a Terrific Thrifty Thursday? Then you can submit an easy cooking, frugal, accessory, clothing, tip, and/or craft related project to: mypassionsforfashions (at) yahoo (dot) ca I would love to hear from you! Also, if you have been featured please grab one of my buttons for your blog!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outfit of the Day: Blue, Brown, and Grey

Here is my second outfit post. It should have been out a few days ago, but I was busy. Sorry about that!

Most of my outfits here in these "Outfit of the Day" posts will be from Sundays/Church because I am homeschooled and I have no reason to really dress up most of the week. I'm a t-shirt and jeans girl most days. Sunday is when I get dressed up a little more and have a lot of fun with my outfits!

This is what I wore this past Sunday, the 17th:

Okay, here are the details...

Military style top: Winners

This was actually the first time I wore it. I got it and wasn't sure how I should wear it yet. It came with a silly "bathrobe" style sash that looked silly, so I took it off and I think it looks sort of military like.

Trend alert: In case you already didn't know, military style clothing is in.

Tank top (I wasn't sure if 100% linen was see through or not) : Giant Tiger

My new jeans: Old Navy (the jeans there fit me great)

Shoes: Payless

Watch: From my little sister when I turned 12, I wear it almost everyday

And now, drum roll please. My first linky party! Please link up an outfit post, old or new. This party ends on Monday, the 25th at 12:00 p.m. EST.

The rules:

-The post must be from your blog

-No online stores

-Please, no spam

-Link up to the direct post NOT to just your blog or the part of your blog where the outfit posts are found

-Make the title: Your Name @ Title of Your Blog

 What Have You Been Wearing?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall is the Perfect Crafting Season

Doesn't fall make you feel like crafting? My Mom thinks so and I do too. People have the urge to make stuff for Christmas and the fall colours are great inspiration! All the pretty oranges, yellows, reds, and more... At least that's what my Mom and I think. What do you think? Anyway, I need to update you about some things on my blog.

First off, I apologize if any of you were offended or were turned off by THIS rollable flats post. Some of you may know what I'm talking about, here is the story...

I posted that post to talk a little about rollable flats and to show you the slightly funny commercial that the company "Footzy Rolls" made for their rollable flats. I was scrolling through my blog a little while ago and noticed that the title of something like, "Footzy Rolls Rollable Flats Commercial" had been changed to, "Hot Girls Dancing and Screaming". I don't know if the Footzy Rolls' youtube account was hacked or not, but it IS still the same old commercial. I'm really sorry about that. Okay, moving on...

I have created a new fall blog banner! I really like it. I also changed my search bar to white. It looks so clean and crisp! The search bar does make a difference! I love my new fall themed banner!

It also looks a little different because I have changed my blog layout around a bit. I like clean blogs with not to much clutter and my blog did not show that. I had all these featured and link party buttons on my side bar and they were all different sizes and shapes! My favourite link parties can now be found on this page and the times I have been featured, here. My buttons can be found here.

These are the names of my pages:


Contact Me

My Tutorials

My Reviews

I Was Featured

Who Have I Featured?

Some Link Parties

My Buttons

My pages are not at the top of my site anymore, they are in the sidebar below the Blogoversary countdown. (with the labels and archives)

One more thing. I was very surprised when I checked my Sitemeter a few days ago! I had linked up my Outfit of the Day: Thanksgiving to the Weekend Wear With Meet Virginia and the one at The Pleated Poppy. This was on Wednesday.

 Anyway, I checked my Sitemeter and it said I had had about 80 or 90 visits that day. I took a double take! I get somewhere inbetween 5-15 normally each day and I was so thrilled! The last time I checked it that night the visits were up to 109! I checked now and the total on Wednesday turned out to be...140! My stats have been higher ever since!

Most of the views were coming from The Pleated Poppy. I got some very nice comments, so thank you very much. I love feedback.

That's it for now!


Friday, October 15, 2010

S.O.S. (Save Our Shoes) Tutorial

What do you do when you want to have the comfort of your socks, but you don't want to wear them with your heels or flats? You either don't wear socks or follow this tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to still wear your socks, but without them ruining your outfit! 

There are some reasons that should wear socks with all your shoes (excluding flip-flops, ewww) and here they are:

-They make your feet more comfortable

-You still have something on your feet when you take off your shoes, instead of going barefoot in someone's house that doesn't have the cleanest floors (I'm not pointing any fingers) 

-People's feet sweat and it might make your shoes stink

-It's more sanitary

Is that enough good reasons? The only reason you shouldn't wear socks with flats or heels is that it ruins your outfit. If that is the case, this tutorial is for you! Let's get started!

To make S.O.S.'s you will need:

Clean socks (more about that later)

Shoes that you want to use as models


Sewing machine

Thread for the sewing machine


Fabric Chalk

Surface to work on

You can use old socks as long as they are clean! I used one that had a small tear in the top and one that was a little bit grassed stained. You know, in case things went wrong...

 I only did it with flats, so I don't know if this would work with heels. See how wearing them without socks sometimes made them a little dirty inside?

The scissors, pins, and fabric chalk. I actually ended up using a different fabric chalk. My pin cushion looks a little empty because I have been trying out rolling rosettes! On to the tutorial...

1. Once you have chosen your socks, put them on. Now you take your fabric chalk and go around the shoes! We are using fabric chalk beause it can always be wiped off the shoes.You might have to hold down the shoes to your feet in some places so you can trace better.

I drew over the lines with a paint program on the computer.

2. Cut outside the lines leaving a little space. Take off the socks first! This gives you a sort of built in seam allowance. Oh, and that wet stuff on the cardboard is dried up Fray-Stop. ;-)

See how I didn't cut right on the fabric chalk line?

Here are both the socks cut.

3. Pin down the edges of the sock so that the fabric chalk line is at the edge.

4. Set your machine to a zig-zag for a stretch stitch and sew. You could also use a serger if you have one, but I don't have one and I don't really know how they work. If you have tips please share them!

5. Pin and sew the other sock.

6. There, now you have two finished hems. There is something else you have to do, too! When I tried them on, the toe part fit fine, but the back fell right off my foot because I had cut out the elastic that goes around your ankle.

What you do if you are in the same boat is this. Put the socks on inside out and pull back any excess sock fabric so that it is snug, but still easy enough to get on and off you foot. Try walking (carefully, those are pins in the backs of those socks) and see if they fall off your feet and adjust them if needed. Try and make the amount of pulled back fabric about the same on both.

7. Sew right where the pins were and turn them right side out.

8. Adjust if needed. You're done! Put them on, put on your shoes, and tuck in any extra fabric. I hope you liked this!

With socks:

Without socks:

With S.O.S.s:

Much Difference? In style? No.

In comfort? Yes.

Now go and enjoy them!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Terrific Thrifty Thursday #27

It's the 27th Terrific Thrifty Thursday! I said this TTT would be all about skirts, so here are some skirt projects form around the blogworld! Here I go again...

First is from MADE! I love this blog! When I first started reading it, I would just spend time going farther and farther (and a little bit farther...) in the archives! I'm sharing the circle skirt tutorial today. She make it fun and easy to do.

And second is from Adventures in Dressmaking! It's a very good blog. I'm sharing with you the paper bag skirt!

Do you have an idea for a Terrific Thrifty Thursday? Then you can submit an easy cooking, frugal, accessory, clothing, tip, and/or craft related project to: mypassionsforfashions (at) yahoo (dot) ca I would love to hear from you! Also, if you have been featured please grab one of my buttons for your blog!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Give Thanks

All three picture were taken by me today.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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